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Conference “Daylight by EuroWindoor” at glasstec 2022
EuroWindoor holds conferences on special occasions and topics like the conference “Daylight by EuroWindoor” which attracted great interest among the visitors of the fair glasstec on 21st September 2022. More than 40 participants in the open conference area of Hall 11 and a large number of viewers in the live stream followed the interesting presentations of the well-known experts on the topic of the importance of daylight in buildings.
Ms Verena Oberrauch (EuroWindoor President and member of the Board of Directors of Finstral AG) moderated the conference and gave a short introduction underlining the importance of windows admitting daylight for healthier buildings. Mr Leif Daniel Houck from the Norwegian University of Life Science in Ås, Norway illustrated why human need daylight and how to start to take daylight into account when planning. Based on a study of various schools, he explained that 12 meters of facade per class should be set as a requirement.
Afterwards Mr Peter Andres from Beratende Ingenieure für Lichtplanung in Germany reported news of daylight planning for workplaces by showing practical examples. By allowing direct sunlight into living and working areas, people also experience the normal daily cycle indoors. He advocates an economical approach to lighting planning by first optimizing the use of daylight and then only adding artificial light to the required amount.
The chairman of the Dutch Daylight Foundation, Mr. Lars Courage from COURAGE Architecten asked the provocative question “Are we going to live in the dark soon?” But despite constant improvement in the quality of artificial light, he sees also in the future daylight as elementary factor for the building culture and good living. In the Dutch Daylight Award winning examples he emphasized the particularly good lighting by using daylight from above and explained the positive effects of daylight up to light-flooded prisons for a better penal system.
The conference was completed by Ms Nelly Philipponnat from Saint-Gobain Glass Bâtiment represening the Union des Fabricants de Menuiseries Extérieures (UFME) by giving a practical view on how policy developments are enacted with the example of France. The new regulation with requirements for minimum openings of habitable surface, daylight provision with a target Daylight factor and minimum view out in a space are trend-setting for the legislators of other countries.
EuroWindoor would like to thank our sponsors Aluplast GmbH, Finstral AG, Saint-Gobain Building Glass Deutschland and VELUX A/S to make the conference happen.
Livestream from Conference “Daylight by EuroWindoor” English & German version

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EuroWindoor offers Study Tours for the sector
EuroWindoor facilitates relations among the members and fosters close cooperative relationships, which should interlink all branch members in all European countries (one of the objectives of EuroWindoor according to the statute Art. 3). Promoting cooperation within Europe is an important task of EuroWindoor and leads to a strengthening of the sector in all European matters. Participants get an insight into the wood industry of the visited country and are able to establish new European contacts. The experiences and conversations made during these study tours serve to further education and expand the knowledge of the participants and will be useful for their daily business.
EuroWindoor keeps the tradition of FEMIB (Federation of the European Building Joinery Associations) to organize study tours in the frame of its division “wood”. The last FEMIB study tours visited
- 2009 Austria – Graz
- 2010 Sweden – Växjö
- 2012 Switzerland – Zürich
- 2014 The Netherlands – Huizen
Since the re-foundation 2015 of EuroWindoor AISBL the study tours are organised by EuroWindoor and visited/ visits
- 2016 Finland- Tampere
- 2018 Germany- Berlin
All Study Tours were successful in developing the sector of window, doors and curtain wall facades.
Smart windows today and tomorrow
In the magazine European Energy Innovation (Winter 2015) an article “Smart windows today and tomorrow” by Frank Koos, Secretary General of EuroWindoor AISBL gives an overview on the development of Smart Windows.
EuroWindoor participation in the SERVOWOOD project
The strategic objective of the SERVOWOOD project is to develop and establish European Standards that will facilitate the prediction of service life for exterior wood coatings. The SERVOWOOD project will develop a service life prediction methodology which can be incorporated into the portfolio of European Standards for exterior wood coatings. To this end the project brings together experts on wood coatings from the relevant European Standards Committee with representatives from trade associations and others in the supply chain. CEPE acts as the Co-ordinator of Servowood and will take the lead role in WP9 in consortium management. CEPE will integrate the results of the service life prediction methodologies into their LCA software, providing the EU based paint and coating manufacturers and end users a bespoke tool capable of predicting the total lifecycle assessment of a coating.
Record of the livestream and the presentations of the conference “Daylight by EuroWindoor” at glasstec 2022: