About EuroWindoor
This information gives an overview of EuroWindoor targets and Member benefits.
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EuroWindoor Strategy and Statute

Mission: The mission of EuroWindoor is to represent the interest of the European window, door and facade manufacturers through close dialogue with EU and other relevant institutions. Thereby contributing to the EU’s commitment regarding better regulation as well as job creation, energy security, resource efficiency and carbon emission reductions without imposing unnecessary burdens on the sector.
Vision: To be a valued stakeholder for EU institutions when developing legal framework with impact on the European window, door and facade sector is EuroWindoor’s Vision.
EuroWindoor Targets
Windows and doors as positive products
Ensure window and door products are on the agenda as a positive product. Daylight providers providing energy efficiency and better comfort and health in buildings.
Ensure knowledge of key EU regulations
Ensure sufficient knowledge of key EU regulation for the industry. Monitor and react on key relevant EU legislation and initiatives. Make sure key EU regulation does not take us by surprise
Work for Better regulation for the industry
Unnecessary burdens and double regulation to be avoided
Support to replacement agenda in Europe
Window, door and facade contribute to energy savings and better comfort in Europe.
Contribution to sustainability & recyclability
Contribution to sustainability and recyclability agenda. Secure that products are fairly assessed on technical verified facts
Securing a strong and efficient organization
Seen as a constructive cooperation partner, that are agile and can react and contribute within the necessary time span.
EuroWindoor Member benefits
Be part of a strong lobby organization on the European level
An organization concentrating on those specific items of relevance to windows, doors and facades
Talking with a stronger unified voice
Influence and strengthen the voice of our industry
Influencing, support and early information on future regulation
E.g. standardisation on thermal comfort, daylight requirements and internal air quality
Access to research, facts and figures
E.g. study on End of Life, Infographics
Building a European network
Exchange of market figures and insights with European colleagues
Perfect support for your work on the national level
E.g. through publications (Position paper, Studies, etc.) and latest information about developments and trends
EuroWindoor national member associations
A - Austria
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hersteller von Metall-Fenster / Türen / Tore / Fassaden (AMFT)
Tel.: +43 (0)5 90 900-3412 | Fax: +43 (0)1 505 10 20 | E-Mail: amft@fmti.at
Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreichs
Phone: +43 (1) 712 26 01 | Fax: +43 (1) 713 03 09 | Email: office@holzbauindustrie.at
B - Belgium
Phone: +32 (2) 706 80 00 | Fax: +32 (2) 706 78 01 | Email: herman.looghe@agoria.be
CH - Switzerland
SZFF - Schweizerische Zentrale Fenster und Fassaden
Phone: +41 (62) 287 40 00 | Fax: +41 (62) 287 40 09 | Email: info@szff.ch
CZ - Czech Republic
Česká komora LOP - Czech Chamber of light envelope of buildings
Phone: +420 (246) 083 810 | Email: cklop@cklop.cz
D - Germany
Verband Fenster + Fassade
Phone: +49 (69) 95 50 54-0 | Fax: +49 (69) 95 50 54-11 | Email: vff@window.de
DK - Denmark
VinduesIndustrien - Association of Danish Window Manufacturers
Phone: +45 31902090 | Email: info@vinduesindustrien.dk
FIN - Finland
Federation of the Finnish Woodworking Industries
Phone: +358 (40) 539 6670 | Email: info@puutuoteteollisuus.fi
F - France
UFME - Union des Fabricants de Menuiseries Extérieures
Phone: +33 (1) 47176937 | Fax: +33 (1) 47176939 | Email: info@ufme.fr
GR - Greece
POVAS - Panhellenic Federation of Craftsmen in Aluminium and Metal Constructions
Phone: +30 (210) 6453740 | Fax: +30 (210) 6453741 | Email: info@povas.gr
N - Netherlands
NBvT - Nederlandse Branchevereniging voor de Timmerindustrie
Phone: +31 (35) 6947014 | Fax: +31 (35) 6944910 | Email: info@nbvt.nl
VMRG - Vereniging Metalen Ramen en Gevelbranche
Phone: +31 (30) 605 36 44 | Email: info@vmrg.nl
VKG - Vereniging Kunststof Gevelementenindustrie
Phone: +31 (30) 750 98 01 | Email: info@vkgkozijn.nl
N - Norway
Norske Trevarer
Phone: +47 23088000 | Email: post@norsktrevare.no
PT - Portugal
ANFAJE - Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Janelas Eficientes
Phone: (+ 351) 925 987 696 | Fax: +351 (21) 000 16 75 | Email: janelaseficientes@anfaje.pt
SK - Slovakia
S - Sweden
TMF - Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry
Phone: +46 (8) 7627225 | Fax: +46 (8) 7627224 | Email: info@tmf.se
EuroWindoor is partner of
EuroWindoor is in liaison with
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
CEN/TC 33 - Doors, windows, shutters, building hardware and curtain walling
Chairperson: Mr. Frédéric Ducloyer
ISO Central Secretariat contact: Nuno Pargana
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
ISO/TC 162 - Doors and windows
Chairperson: Mr. Yasuo Omi
ISO Central Secretariat contact: Dr Anna Caterina Rossi