EuroWindoor feedback to the Call for Evidence on heat pumps

EuroWindoor feedback to Call for Evidence on heat pumps (May 2023)

EuroWindoor acknowledges that heat pumps are an important part of the energy transition in the building sector but they are not the solution for everything. Heat pumps are not an option for many existing buildings and the building sector needs a balanced approach between efficiency of building envelope and use of renewable energy. A specialized technology initiative for the heat pump is therefore not beneficial.

The cheapest energy is that unused and buildings should be seen as part of the energy system and not as isolated islands (in line with the ‘Energy Efficiency First’ principle). Good insulation of the opaque building envelope and the use of high-performance windows reduce energy consumption and related CO2 emissions from buildings. In future industry and transport sector will significantly need more electricity from renewable sources in order to achieve decarbonization targets. Improving the building envelope will decrease energy demand and electrical power shortage. The remaining energy demand is low and can be provided efficiently over a long period of time with cheaper and less power-consuming heat pumps in a cost-optimal way.

EuroWindoor feedback to Call for Evidence on heat pumps (May 2023)

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