EU Restriction Procedure Lead in PVC

EU Restriction Procedure Lead in PVC (May 2022)

Currently, the restriction procedure for lead in PVC is intensively re-discussed at European level. Already at the end of 2015, the European PVC industry completely phased out the use of lead in virgin material as part of the voluntary commitment VinylPlus®. Especially against the background of increasing imports of PVC containing new lead (source: ECHA), the industry therefore, in principle, supports this restriction process strongly. However, for the purpose of an operational circular economy, the industry calls on the legislator to continue allowing established PVC recycling in precisely regulated exceptional cases. Thereby, lead that is already present in the EU market is handled in the best possible way being controlled in terms of health and the environment.
In current times of high energy prices, shortages of raw materials and the political drive for energy-efficient renovation of buildings, the industry has set itself the goal of using as much recycled PVC as possible in production – thereby strengthening the circular economy and reducing CO2 emissions.
Our request is set against the following background:
PVC building waste has already been recycled for more than 25 years. Today, mechanical recycling is well established and around 730,000 tons of PVC are recycled per year in Europe, of which more than …

Joint position EU Restriction Procedure Lead in PVC CZ – DE – FR – PL

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