EuroWindoor reminds the Commission to the ‘Energy Efficiency First’ principle regarding the action plan for heat pumps

Frankfurt, June 2023 – EuroWindoor did ask for a balanced approach between efficiency of building envelope and use of renewable energy when giving its feedback to the consultation on the action plan to accelerate roll-out of heat pumps across the EU. The use of high-performance windows does reduce energy demand and allows heating by less power-consuming heat pumps in a cost-optimal way preventing from electrical power shortage.

The cheapest energy is the one we don’t use. This saying is especially true for the building stock in the EU as it uses around 40% of the energy and is responsible for around 36% of greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonisation of heating is an important factor and EuroWindoor welcomes the initiative for the use of more renewable energies.

However, EuroWindoor reminds the Commission of the Energy Efficiency First principle. The buildings need to be viewed as an energy system. Therefore an action plan should remain open to technology und focusing on a balanced approach that generates low energy demand and use of renewables in equal measures to make decarbonisation a success.

The EuroWindoor feedback on the action plan for heat pumps is available here.
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Press Contact:
Miriam Weppler
EuroWindoor General Secretariat
Walter-Kolb-Str. 1-7
60594 Frankfurt / Germany
Phone: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 36
Fax: +49 (69) 95 50 54 – 11

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